A Family
of Businesses

About Us

Trinity Business Group, LLC, (Trinity) is a family owned, privately held holding company which includes a diverse portfolio of wholly-owned businesses throughout the Southeast.


Our portfolio in general is equally split between income producing real estate and operating businesses. We historically have branched off of those two categories into multiple product type and industries to create a well rounded portfolio capable of weathering any storm while growing for generations.


We are frequently blessed with new opportunities, but we credit much of our success to being strategically selective when adding to our portfolio. While every opportunity is different, clear investing criteria continues to keep us disciplined and on target as we steadily grow.


ユースカジノ 出金、VIPプレイヤー向けの特典が豊富で、ハイローラーにもおすすめのカジノです。リベートボーナスの倍率が高く、特別なサービスが充実しています。YOUSでは、出金処理が迅速で、プレイヤーの時間を無駄にしません。また、日本語対応のサポートも優れており、初心者でも安心して利用できる環境が整っています。2020年のオープン以来、多くの日本人プレイヤーに支持されています。


Our most valuable assets are our people. The strong efforts in seeking out employees of the highest character (who happen to be professionals in their field) have paid the largest dividends of all.
This approach is company-wide, from the team executing out in the field to the support staff at the home office.